Collaborated with a team to develop an application using a microservices architecture, incorporating MongoDB clustering for data resilience and RabbitMQ clustering for efficient inter-service communication.
Developed and maintained a survey application for Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI).
Developed a billing application for managing Akulaku call history.
Developed and maintained a dashboard application for Bakti Kominfo, utilizing NestJS, VueJS, and SQL Server.
Developed a monitoring application for Kementerian PUPR.
Actively participated in daily standups, project breakdowns, estimations, and retrospective meetings.
Fullstack Developer @Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Bina Marga
Basic Developer
Jan 2021 - Des 2022
Developed new applications to support reporting on public facilities.
Developed new applications for renting heavy vehicles.
Developed web-based geographic information system applications using Leaflet, JavaScript, Laravel, and MySQL.
Internship Fullstack Developer @PT.Virama Karya (Persero)
Mar 2020 - Des 2020
Developed Monitoring Progress Applications using CodeIgniter, jQuery, MySQL, and Bootstrap.
Developed web-based geographic information system applications using Leaflet, JavaScript, CodeIgniter, and MySQL.