
Hi, I'm Supri

Welcome to my space!

I am a Backend Developer and Web Developer with over 3 years of experience designing, building, and maintaining robust, scalable, and secure web applications. My expertise lies in creating efficient server-side solutions, integrating APIs, and ensuring seamless functionality across platforms.

Work Experience

Backend Developer @PT. Marsilian Akusara Lestari

Junior Developer

Jan 2023 - Current

  • Collaborated with a team to develop an application using a microservices architecture, incorporating MongoDB clustering for data resilience and RabbitMQ clustering for efficient inter-service communication.
  • Developed and maintained a survey application for Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI).
  • Developed a billing application for managing Akulaku call history.
  • Developed and maintained a dashboard application for Bakti Kominfo, utilizing NestJS, VueJS, and SQL Server.
  • Developed a monitoring application for Kementerian PUPR.
  • Actively participated in daily standups, project breakdowns, estimations, and retrospective meetings.

Fullstack Developer @Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Bina Marga

Basic Developer

Jan 2021 - Des 2022

  • Developed new applications to support reporting on public facilities.
  • Developed new applications for renting heavy vehicles.
  • Developed web-based geographic information system applications using Leaflet, JavaScript, Laravel, and MySQL.

Latest Project

BRI Survey Applications

NodeJS, ExpressJS, CodeIgniter, MySQL

Contributed to a team in developing the BRI (Bank Rakyat Indonesia) Survey app, a platform that directly connects with customers (nasabah) for satisfaction surveys. The application was designed to conduct surveys by sending WhatsApp blasts to all customers in Indonesia.


NestJS, VueJS, TypeScript,, SQL Server

Designed to track and display the progress of various projects managed by the BAKTI Kominfo organization. Built using NestJS for the backend and VueJS for the frontend, the application leverages TypeScript for enhanced code maintainability and performance. is integrated to provide real-time updates and notifications about the project's progress.

Robocall for Bill Reminder

NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, RabbitMQ

Is an automated solution designed to remind customers about upcoming bill payments. The system automatically dials customer phone numbers and delivers timely reminders, helping to improve payment collection efficiency.

Works with technologies